Saturday, October 3, 2009


It's Saturday night and I'm sitting downstairs alone. Can't sleep. I hate it when my mind is going 100 mph and I can't bring myself to sleep!! It's mostly because I'm under so much stress right now and I can't bring myself to think about any single thing so instead my mind is a jumble of about 25 things at any given time.....and that's not very productive or conducive to sanity.

Here are a few of the things going through my mind right now:
1. Worried about baby Sarah and single umbilical artery syndrome. Google takes too long to explain.
2. Still waiting for Jesse to get a full-time job with health insurance.
3. I'm behind on my dissertation.
4. I have not begun to think about applying for internship.
5. I have two kids who need me 24/7.
6. I'm insecure.
7. I say stupid things ALL the time.
8. I struggle with depression....yes, I'm pretty sure I always will.
9. I'm tired all the time from this pregnancy.
10. I feel like no one understands me completely. I'd just like one good friend aside from my husband who knows me inside and out....and yes, I know God does, but that's different. He has to.

Man! Wasn't that enough to make you feel a bit depressed?? I bet I'll read this in the morning and wonder what I was thinking. I'm finally feeling a little more sleepy. Maybe getting all those things out helped somewhat.

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