Monday, June 29, 2009

First OB visit

Today was my first OB appointment. First and foremost I am SOOOO thankful that my Medicaid got reactivated and was backdated to June 1st, so that two day hospitalization will be totally covered!! Yay!! What a huge burden off my shoulders.

The appointment went well. They took a few buckets of blood from my arm (just kidding), I peed in a cup (not kidding), and got to wear a paper vest and paper sheet!! Fun!! (just kidding...well, not about the paper part, but about the fun part) Blood work has to be sent to the lab and they included an electrolyte panel just to monitor my potassium level. The doctor said that if it comes back normal, there is no reason to continue to monitor it. I hope everything is OK. I definitely don't want another "attack" like I had. Scary.

As far as the exam, my belly appears to be that of an 8-10 week pregnancy, but we're going to have an ultrasound on July 10th just to confirm the due date since I only had two menstrual cycles before getting knocked up. I'm really excited about the ultrasound. There is nothing better than seeing your baby moving around in there especially when you can't feel movement yet. I will definitely be posting ultrasound pictures when the time comes!

So far, no weight gain this pregnancy...just weight loss. About 3 lbs weight loss. This doesn't surprise me since I was still carrying around a few extra lbs from David plus the morning sickness has made me not feel like eating. I think that also might have had something to do with my low potassium. I have been better about eating good foods that are also high in potassium. Plus the morning sickness has started to wane a bit these days. I'm just preparing for the pounds!! They are inevitable!! haha. At least I know it is possible to lose them. I got SOOO close, then BAM!! Pregnant again. Thanks Jesse ;o)

It's funny because before I had any children, I thought I might be infertile....ha!! God showed me!!

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