Wednesday, May 6, 2009

So far...

The Dual action cleanse hasn't done much of anything for me.

In other news, Eve seems to be developing a cold or just an increase in her allergies. It's hard to tell b/c her nose has been runny for the past three months. I wish I could beat this constant feeling of tiredness. Maybe it's related to having two little ones? Maybe I shouldn't beat myself up for feeling tired?? I don't know. But I'm dragging 24/7 and today is work out day. I guess I'll drag my big butt up there and try to knock out another 5,000 or so strides on the eliptical again so I feel like I'm working toward some sort of goal of skinniness. Well, gotta go get ready for the gym!!

Feeling the energy....

1 comment:

Gidget said...

hahahahaha....I love the picture at the top of the page. So funny!