Thursday, May 7, 2009

The night shift

For those of you who remember when I used to work the night shift at the psych hospital, you know that I am NOT a night working person. After about 2 weeks of sleeping through the night, Mr. David has decided he wants to reverse his circadian rhythm and be awake all night. He woke up not once, not twice, but THREE times last night and I am just not up for that at the three month marker. I've got to get him sleeping through the night again. Any tips are welcome!!

So for mother's day I've decided that since we're tight on money and I love being crafty, that I'm going to make lovely handmade necklace and earring sets for my two favorite moms ;o) I've been reading up on jewelry making tips and online tutorials, so hopefully they will turn out good. I plan on getting the stuff I need today so I'll have a few days to play around with my ideas. Wish me luck!

Quote from Eve this morning (as she lifts her shirt up):
"Mommy, I goddit bobbies!!" (which translates to Mommy, I've got boobies!)

Eve has always been fixated on "bobbies" ever since she witnessed me nursing David. I even caught her lifting her shirt up trying to nurse her favorite stuff cat named "Yeow". Speaking of stuffed cats, Eve has quite the arsenal of kitties lately. Here's the run down:

Yeow- he's the leader of the pack as he's been around for the longest. Yes, he's a very manly kitty despite the fact that he wears a pink ribbon around his neck. He is also the most loved of the bunch. Eve cannot go to bed without Yeow.

Yami- Yami is a small tiger colored kitty that purrs when shaken. I can always tell when Eve is about to wake up because I always hear Yami purring as she begins to stir in her bed. Yami used to belong to me when I was a teenager with way to many stuff animals and he almost got sold at the MOPS fall yard sale, but I figured I'd hold onto him since Eve loves her kitties!! Little did I know he was the next to join the kitty cat posse

Kitty- Kitty is the smallest of the crew, but don't be fooled. This small grey and white striped kitty knows how to attack Eve Rene's neck. Eve loves for me to pretend that Kitty is getting her neck. She adores this little creature.

Kitty kitty- not to be mistaken for Kitty, Kitty kitty is about 10 times larger than Kitty. She is the latest addition to the cat posse so she doesn't have an established role or identity yet. She is still in the initiation phase.

Who will be next? Will it be the yellow care bear? Who knows?? When you walk through your house, watch your back. The kitties are EVERYwhere....


Krissy and Monteil said...

Just a thought... If you do get into some jewelry making on the side, there is a cool website: which you can post handmade crafts to sell. It's a great website to buy, too! Everything is handmade and so you only have to post one thing at a time if you want. I found it via other bloggers... and I love it!

Anonymous said...

that's so funny about all of her cats! And the fact that Kitty and Kitty kitty cannot be confused, for they are NOT one in the same!!! So cute!