Friday, May 1, 2009

Peanut butter Carmex kisses

Ok, so today after a relatively nice morning including a trip to the Y for some good fat burning/muscle rebuilding (because your belly turns into a gelatinous mass after giving birth), I said goodbye to my husband as he was on his way out the door to go to work. I went in for slightly more than the usual peck....needless to say he was still chewing a bit of PB&J and had just applied a good coating of Carmex. Ugh!!! That was the nastiest, grossest, most disgustingest kiss ever!! To all of you habitual Carmex users, I'd highly advice discontinuing use immediatly. Anything that tastes like that has to be pure lip poison. Please do others a favor and switch to something more natural like Burts Bees.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hate to say it, but that DOES sound like the absolute WORST kiss EVER!!!!!!!!!! It's giving me the heebie-jeebies just thinking about it, because I agree, PB&Carmex...yuck! When I was in my teens I was a faithful Carmex user...until I realized how bad it actually smelled and tasted...don't know why it took me a few years....