Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Toddler to English Dictionary

mommy= I want something
daddy= I want something
ear go mommy= I'm about to give you something nasty like regurgitated fossilized cheese I found in the carseat from two days ago
I god dit= I got it, but first I'm doing to trip over my own feet
nye nye= night night
mommy in Enay's bet= Mommy, I want you to get in my (Eve Rene's) bed or I'm going to throw a fit
BACK!= rub my back....face it, you are my slave
buh bye body= Goodbye commoners, I'm going home where I rule supreme
No no mommy= Mommy said no (Mommy won't let me get away with murder)
Bebe OK?= Geez, my little brother won't stop crying! Is he going to stop soon?
Mommy OK?= Ok, mommy has officially flipped out and I better be on my best behavior.
P-p- apsi= I'm trying really hard to say paci rather than "assy" which is socially unacceptable
too mommy= I love you too (I love that one!)
Beard= bird.... I mean they're practially the same thing, right?

What are some of the funny things your kids say that have a "special" meaning for you? I'd love to hear!

1 comment:

Gidget said...

these were hilarious!
Ben used to call his pacifier...sassy assy.
Too funny.