Thursday, May 14, 2009

I feel like a hermit

Does any other mom feel this way? I feel like I spend 99.9% of my time indoors taking care of my two little ones while missing out on all the great weather outside. I definately don't take my kids outside enough. Poor Eve has never even had a hint of a tan her entire existence and David...well, he's at least got a little more natural pigmentation to his skin.

And poor Eve! She has had this nasty rash on her tummy, back, bottom, and upper thighs for the past 48 hours. We have a doc appt tomorrow morning, but it didn't take long for Eve to scratch herself to the point of bleeding. Poor girl has scratch marks on her back and bottom and they look more irritating than the rash itself. I just have a feeling that the doc is going to say it's just an allergic reaction...blah, blah, blah. But that means nothing to me unless I know what she's allergic to. So frustrating. I don't want to subject her to extensive allergy testing, but for real....this girl has some serious allergy issues. She has kept a runny nose and dark circles under her eyes for about 3 months, sneezes on a regular basis (usually on me), and now this rash appears. Yay! Another reason to visit the good ol' doc! I hate going to the doc b/c I can usually diagnose what's going on with my kids better than they can, I just can't write my own scripts. Just give me one of those pads,and I'll write my own!!

So yesterday I had a great time at my local MOPS meeting!! I got 2 1/2 hours of childfree time including a pedicure, makeup session, 5 min massage, and I got to make my own aromatherapy bath salts. Fun!! They were even doing free dry haircuts, but I've got that covered already. Thanks mom!

Oh yeah, anybody want to buy a 2005 Volkswagon Jetta?? We're likely going to sell ours real soon so we can make the leap. Yes, that's right...I'm going to drive a minivan!! Whoo hoo!! If you're interested, let me know!

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