Sunday, May 31, 2009

Recuperating from a day at the Amusement Park

Man! Busch Gardens is a nice place to visit, but it sure is nice to be home!!! Jesse and I went there yesterday for Regent Alumni Day with our good friends Laurie and Topher. We had a GREAT time! Although I could not convince Laurie to ride a roller coaster, I did ride a few. Yes, I know, I'm pregnant. I made the informed choice to go ahead a ride a few this time since I'm so early on in my pregnancy and it's not likely that anything would happen. It was a BLAST!! I rode the Griffon for the first time and for those of you who don't know anything about that ride, it takes you almost straight up, and then it hangs you over the 90 degree drop for about 5 seconds before allowing you to plummet down. It was so awesome!! It was like the best 3-4 seconds of free falling I've experience on a roller coaster EVER. The Griffon is definitely my favorite roller coaster of all time now.

We rode a lot of non-roller coaster rides because of Laurie's coaster phobia. Ever rode the teacups?? Those innocent looking teacups? Well, they are not as innocent as they look especially when your husband and friend's husband are spinning it at the speed of light as you are already spinning in what seems like two different directions at once. Yeah, sounds like a regular vomit comet. You would think that I would've had enough after that, but NO. I rode Apollo's Chariot right after the teacups. I should have listened to my body as we were waiting in line, but no, I wanted to ride the stupid thing so bad that I was willing to upchuck as a result. Well, luckily, no ralphing occurred and I was able to ride the train all the way around the park to get back to the entrance (because the train station was just slightly closer than the exit to the parking lot). Ugh....then I was having a craving for McDonald's french fries and a Dr. Pepper. So I made Jesse stop and get me some. That probably didn't help, but it temporarily satiated me.

When I woke up this morning I felt like POOP!! I still felt like hurling, my feet felt like someone had been cracking them with a baseball bat, and I was SOOOOOOO tired. So, needless to say we attended "couchside baptist" this morning and just sort of relaxed. I still feel a little sick, but then again that goes with the territory of being in the first trimester of pregnancy. I still can't believe I'm pregnant. Crazy. I'll try to post some pictures of Busch Gardens later. My camera battery is dead right now and I'm too sick feeling to get up and take care of it.

Ugh. Plop. (That's me crashing on the couch)

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