Friday, May 29, 2009

Eve is such a big girl!

I can't believe how much she has developed by leaps and bounds in the last several months alone. I mean, aside from the setbacks of pottytraining, she has really become more a little girl lately than a baby anymore. It's kind of sad, but I'm so exited to see her get things. I can almost see the lightbulb moments she has. Like for example, she went from saying "Cheese!!" to "Want more Mac N Cheese Pees!" I mean, that's an entire almost grammatically correct sentence! And she is able to communicate to us almost everything that she wants/needs now pretty directly. I still think she's confused as to what "Poo poo" really is. She looks at me like I have two heads when I tell her to go poo poo in the potty because I'm pretty sure she thinks her poo poo is her little butt. haha. Why would anyone want to put their rear in the potty and flush it? That's crazy talk. So, I think we have some explaining to do before we proceed any further with potty training. I don't want the poor girl to think we are going to flush part of her down the john.

Little David is getting HUGE. I'm pretty sure he's getting ever closer to 15 lbs. I mean, he has to be close to it and he's so LONG. I look at other babies that are 6 months and David seems just as big to me. He's much more entertained these days in his play mat. You can see him looking at the hanging toys and reaching in a deliberate manner at what he wants. It's so neat to witness those neurons firing.

And while it hasn't quite set in that I'm expecting another one, he or she is probably about the size of a grain of rice right now. No morning sickness yet. That'll probably kick in on Saturday when I'm at Busch Gardens. It always happens that way, right? How awesome would it be to not get any morning sickness? It would be pretty dang awesome!!

I am watching the Wiggles right now...well Eve is, but you know how it is. Rather than watch the View like normal people would during this hour, I'm watching four guys dancing around like lunatics and loving it!! Sad. I know almost every lyric and dance move and I think I'd actually like to go see them in concert. I might just start a mosh pit.

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